Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Care for the suffering


A person is a person
From LA to Sudan
From Mexico to Gaza
From Congo to Canada
From Lebanon to Texas
A heart is a heart
A hug is a hug
Unimaginable suffering can be anybody’s story
We acknowledge it comes in varying degrees
But our humanity is interconnected
No space for dehumanizing others

All over the world
Fire burns the same
It destroys
It takes away
It alters the future
Hearts ache for lost loved ones

Thousands displaced across our globe
Families and young children
Nowhere to go!
 Common cries of “It's all gone!
”I have nothing left” or
”I am the only one left alive!”

Acts of heroism by many people
Putting themselves in harm’s way
Normal everyday people
Helping complete strangers
Many courageous people on the front-lines
Doctor’s, nurses
Humanitarian workers
Firefighters and the incarcerated

Trauma. Trauma
Experienced differently by every living soul
But the same emotions
Anger and fear
Violent responses
Grief and loss
Why was it you and not me?
Suicidal and depressed

But lies, ignorance, arrogance and hypocrisy
Are also in the mix
Some stories are elevated above others
Misinformation and fear mongering
These things we don’t want
These things we don’t need

In some spaces there is huge injustice
Making the impact experienced very different
Every person should be afforded safety
To evacuate safely to safer places
To be given life giving aid

What is needed is our care for people
Our love and compassion
Empathy for broken hearts
Our hearts breaking for the pain and suffering
We want integrity and equity
Upholding the same human rights for all

Actions of love and care for the planet
Planting indigenous trees
Trees that tend to the soil and land
Provide safety and wholeness
Taking seriously how our actions can harm
People and planet
It is always about all of us
All of us
All of the time

Wednesday, 1 January 2025



There’s not much you can do
The world moves on
Suddenly you find yourself in a new year
Even if you didn’t want it
Time marches on
And here we are
There’s something about the start of a new year
The expectation is for new
For change, for different
And yet from one hour into that next hour,
There’s no magical, sudden change
It's up to us to bring about that newness,
that change, that difference

But some things need to stay the same
The same joy of being loved
The same kindness of loving others
The same fight for justice
The same need for peace on earth
The same ache for thriving for all

Some countries and people have woken up today
to the same misery and pain
Some people are sweeping water from their tents
Some are sitting in grief and dejection
A hopelessness seeping into their frozen bones

Then there are others who still don’t seem to care
Some are still telling the same lies and mistruths
There’s still silence about some dire situations

Can we possibly work towards being alive in 2025?
Like, letting people live
Instead of actively causing or allowing death?

All I can think of today are these words,
“I came that you may have life,
and life in abundance.”
God incarnate
Alive right here with us
Jesus came to offer life
Let’s be people who celebrate that,
and speak it into being

Some things need to continue
Some things need to stay the same
Some things need to change

God is the same yesterday, today and forever
We don’t need him to change
We need to allow him to change us
His newness is everyday throughout the year
His compassions never fail
They are new every morning
A faithful God is he
He crowns this new year with goodness
He makes our paths drip with abundance
His goodness flows through us to others
Let’s actively be a part of that

So, let’s raise the stakes
Up the fervour, consistency and passion
for more
It begins with us
It starts with how we live
and how we love others
It’s up to us
We are the ones to grab hold of more
More kingdom living
More of heaven being pulled to earth

More generous with our love
More generous with our justice
More generous with speaking life
More generous with our peace making
More generous with building towards a better world

Increase discussions about doing better
Believe in change
Envision the mutual flourishing
Doing it together
In community
For greater reach and impact

Boldly go and declare life
And living
And being alive
In 2025

Pictures from Sardinia Bay sunset December 2024

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Back to Bethlehem


Oh little town of Bethlehem
Filled with deep and significant history
God acts with purpose
You are called "House of Bread"
Fertile and fruitful
I am the bread of life
Eat of me and be filled
Live life in abundance
I am the Vine
You are the branches
You will bear much fruit

A place too of heartache and pain
A family on the move
A baby born
A Mother died
Tears are cried
A couple on the move
Famine and death
Bitterness and loss
But wait, all is not lost

Another family on the move
A baby born in a manger
Love enters the scene
God comes into human suffering
Many visitors come
The family on the move again
Escaping death
Refugees in Egypt

Back in Bethlehem
More death and loss
Babies lives are taken
Because of fear
Because of threat of loss of power

Out of Bethlehem
Our Messiah is born
A Saviour who knows our
struggle, heartache and pain
He came in the most vulnerable way
Leaving all of heaven's glory behind
He became one of us
He came to live with us

God's redemption plan
Right on track
Royal lineage from this town
Pushing back the steal, kill and destroy

Today it's a town in mourning
More death, violence and discrimination
Separation and stolen land
No tinsel and trees
Same hand holding suffering and joy
And a deep knowing
On this significant ground
Where our Messiah walked

It's still a place of redemption
Our God is always with us
Present in the pain
In our fear, he is there
Hope forevermore
The grace of God still abounds

Everything changed that day.
The day Jesus was born

(Thoughts from our Christmas morning service)
Artwork by Evelien Burger.





Monday, 23 December 2024

Announce Christmas everyday


Why? Because Jesus is still the hope of the world. Be expectant everyday of Jesus, Immanuel, coming to earth to live with us, as one of us.
Let’s talk about peace on earth. The peace that passes understanding.

There’s been a lot of talk about peace recently, mainly because we don’t see enough of it and we so desperately want it for ourselves and everyone in our world.

There’s also a lot of debate about what peace really is and how it plays out in our world. In the Christian space you have some people praying for peace in a way that just makes the noise go away, for the fighting and wars to stop, but then you have others who say we cannot possibly have peace without justice, without things being put right first. I certainly believe justice is an integral part of the process of getting to real peace. So often it's injustice that steals peace, or tries to steal peace. Jesus came as part of a redemption plan, of putting things right, so justice and peace go hand in hand.

This year there has been much written about the angels words to the Shepherds when they said “Peace on earth” and people saying that we have never seen this peace and we are still not seeing it. Reminds me of some song words from 40 years ago, ‘wars and rumors of wars ever since time began.’ Also having complete peace will not happen this side of heaven. Sin prevents that. Jesus also said, ‘in this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world.’ But we get to keep praying ‘on earth as it is in heaven.’ We get to keep pulling God’s Kingdom into the here and now and we get to be living it all out each and every day. We get to make peace happen by being peace makers!

I sat and reflected on what peace would feel like and look like to me. These words and phrases came to mind:
Filled with hope
Filled with love
Feels like safety
Feels like something for everyone
Feeling protected from harm
Deep and strong breaths
Justice for all
Mutual Flourishing
Tasting freedom
Arms open wide
Twirling in the wind
Windblown hair
Big smiles
Cheesy grins
Shouting from the mountaintops
Happy chatter
Solutions abounding
For the common good
Humanity in every action
Wrongs made right
Truth replacing lies
Walls repaired
Some walls smashed down
Giving back what’s been taken
I’m sorry
Feeling cared for
Compassion and empathy

When I think about God’s peace, it’s a peace that passes understanding. It’s way beyond any description I can think of. There’s also no fear in that peace. It’s in the presence of perfect love. Perfect love drives out fear.

When Jesus arrived as a baby and his kingdom was established on earth, and the angels announced, peace on earth, it was Jesus and everything about him and his kingdom and everything about it that was being spoken about. He was born into a place of huge conflict, occupation, cruelty, hatred, power struggles and control of people. It was an empire looking out for itself and no-one else. Anyone who did not support it was done away with. It had a focus and that was to grow in strength and power and might. Jesus being spoken about as a king with a kingdom certainly did not fit into this picture at all and so the plan was to get rid of him from the start. He lived 100% human life, the good, amazing, bad and ugly. He knows and understands what we go through. He came and experienced it himself. 

Jesus does not give peace like the world gives peace.

When we think of peace on earth or when we pray for peace on earth, we need to be thinking what Jesus meant when he used the word peace. If we are not doing that, then we are praying for worldly peace which will never be lasting and complete.

It can also never be calm and quiet when you are changing such radically different kingdoms. Empire always wants to hold onto power and control. So, it’s a struggle and a fight and a journey to change everything.

But his peace is not the end result of a negotiation process, it’s the journey and the struggle and it’s about the here and the now. His peace is available in amongst all of that. So, when the announcement of peace was made, peace had arrived in the body of Jesus. That’s the difference. He comes now with peace. We don’t have to wait for it.

His very coming to earth, his presence, who he was and the kingdom he established, that brought the peace. It has to be our choice to grab onto that peace. To choose Jesus and his ways. To choose his kingdom and all it stands for – that’s where the real peace comes from.

Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus.

He leads us with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. What are the cords and ties between us on earth? Are they kind and loving?

There are many Advent readings around at the moment. Each one so poignant and giving opportunity to be still and know God. To reflect on his great love and sacrifice.

In the Lectio 365 they were talking about John and his father’s prophetic words when he was born.

The sunrise will visit us from on high. (Sunrise is always filled with hope, light, wonder, beauty, newness, warmth)

To give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.
To guide our feet into the way of peace.
(Reminds me of the words of the Christmas Carol – ‘the hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight.’ And yes, even in the little town of Bethlehem in 2024.)
And it’s all because of his tender mercy to us. Luke 1:76-79

And that tender mercy stands in stark contrast to the harshness of our world today. It would be pretty accurate to say that we are all craving simple kindness, gentleness and grace. And living out these words from Psalm 103:8 to be compassionate, gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. Lectio 365

Henri Nouwen had these words to say: “A gentle person is someone who treads lightly, listens carefully, looks tenderly and touches with reverence. In our tough and often unbending world, our gentleness can be a vivid reminder of the presence of God among us.”

Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus.

In Luke 19 Jesus arrives as King in Jerusalem. We can never be quiet in announcing his coming, just like John who made it clear what his mission was, to prepare the way for Jesus. To announce his coming. Announcing someone always comes with volume. He was to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins. That was a big task. People knew Jesus was coming.

Christmas should always be an announcement and reminder of his coming. No matter how bad things seem. In fact, maybe I should say, because of how bad things are. Jesus, you’re still the hope of the world. Even more reason to make a noise about you coming to earth and establishing your very different kingdom with the answer to peace.

When the Pharisees asked Jesus to keep his disciples quiet about announcing Jesus, he said if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out! It will be announced. In amongst everything. In the mess, in the chaos, the hate, war and rubble.

Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus.

So let’s not be quiet in shouting loudly this Christmas! Announce his coming. His Kingdom. His reign and rule. Our world certainly needs the hope he promises. Then follow it all, and then as a result of following Jesus, his ways and the Kingdom of God, we will have peace on earth, on whom his favor rests! The responsibility of those who say they follow Jesus is huge. We have found the answer, we need to now live it and keep announcing it to others, so the peace can spread.

Jesus cries over Jerusalem because so many still didn’t see who he was, even after all the announcing that had gone on. He must have been heartbroken. He prophesied there would be tumult and chaos because of it. Jerusalem will not know peace until Jesus is recognized as Messiah. The peace was for those who recognized that God came down and to live with them.

We have been given so much direction in the Bible as to how to live as followers of Jesus. We have, to name but a few, the Lord’s Prayer, the Beatitudes, the new covenant (birth, death and resurrection of Jesus) and a new commandment of loving God with our heart, mind and soul and loving our neighbor as ourselves.

So much to show us the way of God’s kingdom.
Peace comes from all that.
All of the kingdom.
Peace is an integral part of it all.

It will never come from control and domination. His kingdom is entirely and completely different.

So, if we are praying for peace, let’s pray for all of Jesus in that prayer, and all of God’s kingdom into what we are praying for. Be expectant for God to come close and to use us as vessels of his love, peace and justice in the process.

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus. We long for all of you and all of your kingdom.
We are reminded with joy and thankfulness of your advent/arrival at Christmas and to us personally on a daily basis. May we be known by our love and peace making while on this earth.

(Top artwork by Evelien Burger.)

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Counter Cultural God


As we reflect at Christmas time
To the time of your birth

To the land of your birth
To the people you were born into
To the way you lived
To the words you said

We see change, change, change
But always with purpose
Always with your kingdom in mind
Always with us on your mind and heart
Always about your plan of redemption

Scandal and surprises
Unmarried pregnant teen
carrying God’s redemption plan
Birth in a dirty manger
Living as a fleeing refugee
The least of these being first
to announce good news for all

Subverting cruel power structures
Disrupting injustice
Upending tradition
You never conformed
If it was not inline with your kingdom
“You have heard it said, but I say”
With all the authority of heaven

Walking over cultural barriers
Men, women, children
Different religions
Different colour skin
All your creation in your sight
All equal at the foot of the cross

Your kingdom is completely different
Your kingdom is about love
Radical love
It’s about service
Sacrificial service
It's about humility
Not hubris and calamity

You noticed and saw people
You loved little children
You wanted them seen and heard
You saw hurting and pain
You touched and healed
You lifted up
You came close
Where others ran away
Always offering your kingdom way

How can it be that we see
your kingdom not playing out
in front of our eyes?
And still, we argue
Still, confusion reigns
Curiosity lost
And yet, it’s as plain as day

I came to seek and save the lost
I came to redeem you
I have called you by name
I have created you in my image
My image!
Are you seeing my image in the
workings of the world?

Do you see me in the hate?
Do you see me in the war?
Do you see me in the lies and justification?
Do you see me in the bully tactics and manipulation?
Do you see me in the murder and mayhem?

Do you see the foundations of my kingdom?
Are they strong and in place?
That I stand for justice and peace?
Grace and mercy
Love and service
Shalom and mutual flourishing
Truth breaking down the barriers
A new commandment
A whole new covenant
Are these brought into being?
Is my throne of righteousness being upheld?

Can you see the overlooked, the poor and the marginalized?
Can you see the weak and the minorities?
Or are your eyes only on the glitz and glamour
of the powerful, those at the top of the pile?

Is my image celebrated in each and every person?
Do you see me in the person in front of you?
Do you see me in the people on your screens?
Do you see me in the people being trampled on by
a power-hungry world?
Can you stop and look?
Do you see me in them?
Do you see them?
Human beings made with my image in them.

Can you choose a different way?
Can you choose my way?
It might not make you very popular
Scandals and surprises hardly ever do
Walking counter cultural
Walking against the flow
Is this the way you will choose to go?

Obedience takes courage
Don’t be tempted to just fit in
If you see injustice
Boldly call it out
If you know something is wrong
Please don’t stay silent
Speak up!
Just like I did
It may even cost you your life
like it cost me mine

You may land up scorned and cast aside
You may be ridiculed and gossiped about
You may be beaten up and spat at
You may be misunderstood
But I didn’t leave you with conjectures
I left you with plain and simple truth
Love God
Love your neighbor
Let everything else fade away

In Matthew six verse thirty three
Seek the kingdom of God
above all else

Let’s just do what Jesus did and said
Let’s uphold his kingdom
His other worldly kingdom
His differently powered kingdom
Then we would have
'on earth as it is in heaven'

Look where Jesus’s eyes look
Look where his heart is
Look who he spent time with
Look at his words and reminders
Look where his focus was and still is

May your Holy Spirit work on our hearts
To help us re-imagine this new world
To bring it into being
To actively love each person
To put God’s truth in the mix
To be his salt and light
To be his hands and feet
To be his heartbeat here on earth

(Top artwork by Kelly Geere)