Monday 18 September 2017

What is a Modern Day Princess?

Many people get stuck and confused with the word 'princess' and either get excited with it or want to find any other word to use instead of it. I understand parents not wanting their daughters to think airy fairy ideals of just being a princess dressed in pink frills living in imagination land, entitled and having no further goals for her life. I agree that's not a great identity to go after, but I have a different picture when I think of the word Princess and images of royalty, dignity, strength, honour and humility spring to mind. I run a rite of passage course called 'Modern Day Princess' that was put together by an amazing lady by the name of Doreen Hanna. The list below has been compiled by some facilitators of the course and some of the young ladies who have attended some of my courses. It gives you the heart behind what the end goal is, to raise up young women of strength, with strong values and a sense of purpose in their lives.

A Princess is a leader.
A Princess represents something - she is an ambassador of Jesus Christ - a daughter of the King of Kings.
A Princess does not think of herself as higher than others. She is humble and practices humility in all she does and in all her relationships.
A Princess loves deeply with the love of Christ.
A Princess serves others.
A Princess is faithful.
A Princess shows great responsibility in all areas of her life.
A Princess gives back to the community and the world. She makes a difference - this is her purpose.
A Princess cheers others on to be everything they were created to be.
A Princess leads by example.
A Princess has strong boundaries and values.
A Princess is politically involved.
A Modern Day Princess/A daughter of the King has her identity in Christ.
A Princess lifts others up.
A Princess is sensible and seeks wisdom in all her decisions.
A Princess is loyal.
A Princess has respect for herself and for those around her.
A Princess sees the value of interdependence and choosing to see that we need others to see all there is to see.
A Princess is a brave, courageous and fearless warrior.
A Princess is a positive role model.
A Princess helps others learn and is happy to step out of her comfort zone and be vulnerable in order to learn new things too.
A Princess is persistent, consistent and relentless in her pursuit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
A Princess is bold and will speak up against injustice and will defend and help the poor and the needy.

Now that's an identity worth chasing after