Sunday 13 September 2020

Holy Spirit Blue - a poem


A poem inspired by a word in church this morning on the colour 'blue', the worship and the sermon on Psalm 121)

Wash over with peace
Wash over with healing
Roll in like a river
Roll out like a river
Spill and splash onto others
Jesus, Jesus you silence fear
Jesus, Jesus your promise still stands
Jesus, Jesus you are still enough
Great is your faithfulness

Look up!
Hope in our hearts
Hope in our lungs
Hope in our minds
Help comes from above
No heart cry, no tear escapes his watchful eyes

Look up!
Take courage
Rest in his shade
He's there. He's still there
You are standing. You are still standing

Look up!
Look beyond
Push through those dark clouds
Look beyond
His promise still stands
This is our God
He is still with us
He never sleeps
He never slumbers

Love poured out
Love filled my world with grace.

Look up!



I was immediately drawn to these bright plastic sunglasses left behind by a child at the beach. My family thought I was a little nuts crouching down to get the shot I wanted!

Different angles, different levels and different perspectives are all important in the way we view life. Sometimes we need to get down on our hands and knees and sometimes we need to climb up high. Sometimes we need to look through or next to or above to find what we need.

Sometimes we need to forge forward and go after something with great force and other times we need to stand back, let go. trust, breathe and have faith.

Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you always, he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well watered garden, like a spring whose water never fail.