Tuesday 31 October 2023

That power


In church on Sunday the words, 'that power' stood out to me in the worship. God started putting words and phrases and Scriptures in my mind to remind me that his is the power I pray for to bring about the change and peace that we so desperately need in all corners of our earth.

It makes the ground shake
It splits rocks open
It sets us free
It holds back waters
It stands with us, upholding us
It stands strong
It lifts the weary
It moves mountains
It breaks down strongholds
It shatters chains of bondage
It brings manna everyday
It turns darkness into light
The name of Jesus holds that power
It's good to me
It's ever present
Always available
It brings steadiness and calm
Strong enough to let the blind see
Strong enough to let the deaf hear
Strong enough to let the lame walk
Strong enough to raise the dead
That power, that same power
It belongs to our strong, Sovereign and in control God
It belongs to one whose Kingdom is not of this world
That says greatness comes from being a servant
It wins battles for small armies
It has an army of a multitude of angels
It turns mourning into dancing
It turns ashes into beauty
It creates gardens from the soil of death
It overcomes evil with good
It says we overcome by the blood of the lamb
It is the greatest response of love and mercy
It says our testimony holds power
It is an all-consuming fire
It puts God’s very image into us
It works in and through us
It allows us to love and pray for our enemies
To give food and water when they are hungry or thirsty
It allows us to love and welcome the stranger
It allows us to love our neighbors
It says vengeance is mine
It turns bones into armies
It routs enemy armies
It can stop wars
It can confuse enemies
It can hold back armies
It is almighty and victorious
It is a love that conquers all
It says love is the greatest of them all
It advocates for peace
It turns the impossible into possible
It is a mighty roaring lion
It soars and swoops like the mightiest eagle
It turns weakness into strength
This power that was, and is and is to come
It created all out of nothing
It is creative and transformative
It holds our world in place
It causes the sun and moon to rise
It brings the rain upon the land
It sends help in our time of need
We are calling on that power
That is the power we are praying for
It brings victory to the powerless,
to the oppressed,
to the fatherless,
to the dispossessed,
to the displaced,
to the downtrodden of our world
It sits on a throne of justice and righteousness
It's powerful grace is sufficient for us
It leaves us with a peace beyond understanding
That power, that same power,
It has already won the ultimate battle,
It belongs to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords