Friday 1 December 2023

Words do matter


Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never harm me!! A playground rhyme that is very far from the truth. Words really can harm, hurt and break us. But they can also delight us and take us to the highest heights.

Words carry a lot of power/weight.

The world was spoken into being with words.

We need to use our words wisely.

We need to use our words carefully.

Words carry different meanings for different people.

Words can get twisted and misunderstood.

Words create pictures and pictures create emotions.

Words start as thoughts and then can turn into actions

Words affect our whole body and being.

Words can hurt or heal

Words can be filled with love or filled with hate

Words can speak of power, domination and control or they can speak of humility, freedom, vulnerability and consent

Some people say we shouldn’t make so much of words.

Some take great offence over certain words.

People get canceled, threatened and censored over the words they speak.

Others are celebrated for their choice of words.

‘Politically correct’ is a double edged sword

Respect, dignity, attitude and tone are important aspects in the words we choose and use.

Our words can be silenced and our words can shatter silence 

Words lend support and comfort

Words can speak truth or words can speak lies

Words can cut down or build up

Words can be used to invoke for peace and justice

Words can evoke/elicit memories, emotions and sympathy

Words can be harsh and cruel

Words can be kind and reassuring.

Words can inspire or demotivate

Words can bring freedom or restriction

Words can speak life or death

Words can be misspelt or reinvented

Words can be many or few

Words can create stories and write whole books

Words can be both helpful and unhelpful

Words can be remembered or forgotten

Words can describe something brilliantly or make something neutral or dull

“She speaks several languages, including the truth!” Internet comment about the UN Special Rapporteur.
“I heard learning to speak the language of truth is possibly the hardest language to learn.” (An Instagram response)

Words can get us hired or fired

Words help us understand and words can create confusion

Words can be spoken, seen, sung, acted out and listened to

Words can be laced with grace or poison

Words can bring peace or war

Sometimes words are not enough

Words can be put in a poem or a song or a story

Words are how we share our story

Words are how we hear other people’s stories

Languages are spoken through words

Words come in delightful different languages

Words can connect and disconnect

Words can speak forgiveness and they can ask for and offer forgiveness

Words can be inclusive and they can be divisive

Some words can be respectfully avoided

We can always choose a better approach with our words

We can unlearn unhelpful words and relearn more helpful words

We can use our words to bring about positive change

Let us choose our words wisely and carefully.

(First image taken of a child's t.shirt in an Edgars store)