Monday 12 June 2023

A new commandment of love


It’s been niggling at me for a while when I see a follower of Jesus speak out on certain matters with no love in their voices or actions. Sin seems to be the only focus and the greatest commandments seem to have been forgotten about. These commandments supercede all other commandments. I decided to look at them across the 4 gospels for some better understanding. There are a few small differences in each gospel, but same focus and clarity.

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. (first seen in Deut 6:4-9) And the second is like it: “love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:37-40

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34
To love others as he loves us. That’s a big standard to live by. So how does he love us? It’s a big love, deep and wide and high. It's a sacrificial love, with the cross offering redemption and a permanent solution for a way back to God.

The most important commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: “Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:28-34
You are not far from the kingdom of God.” was his response to the man asking him questions when he repeated back the wisdom Jesus had just explained. It certainly gives us a window into what the kingdom is all about.

The same verses are repeated as from Mark 12, with the ending statement of ‘do this and you will live and then it is followed by the story of the good Samaritan, with the question being asked “who is my neighbour?” The story follows with the next question being who was a neighbour to the man in need? The answer being, “the one who had mercy on him”, with the command to go and do likewise.
Luke 10:27

When our focus is on only/either half of these 2 commandments, it leaves us unbalanced and we are not being representative of the kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God is not about one liners, or parts. It’s holistic and there’s always more.

Only focusing on God’s commands in regards to sin, without loving people is not ok.
Only focusing on God’s commands in regards to loving our neighbor, without taking sin seriously is not ok.

We seem to be missing the balance. We seem to either have harsh truth or love without truth.

You will hear many repeating that we should speak the truth with love and grace, but the words and actions that follow do not add up.

My thoughts go around the first and greatest commandment – if we are loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength then the rest will flow from there. It’s always God first, then an often missing piece is loving yourself as a child of God and getting your identity sorted, then it moves from there to loving others (as you love yourself! Loving as a child of the King, with the same love he has loved you with, so it’s loving like him – the whole of Him – the truth, the justice, the peace, mercy, grace, redemption and holiness etc etc) - with all the backing of the first 2 parts. If we are loving God with everything in us, then we are going to be dealing with our sin and stuff and we are going to be hearing him as to what steps to take and what to do and how to love people and live in this world.

Psalm 34
 says if I seek him, he will answer and he will deliver me from all my fears. If I look to him I will be radiant and my face will never be ashamed. He will save me out of my troubles. Taste and see that he is good. Blessed is the person who takes refuge in him. I will not need to fear and he will bless me with good things.

Do we see radiance and goodness and no shaming, blessing and goodness coming out of the mouths of those who speak on behalf of God and his Kingdom? Will we be drawing all people to him if we are not offering a space of no shame and condemnation, of goodness, grace and mercy and provision and peace and freedom from fear and anxiety. That’s the kingdom I stand for and want to be a part of. A place of hope. A place of forgiveness from my wrong choices. A place of redemption. A place of turning from lack and dread and death to life and peace and hope. And yes, I know it’s still a choice, but let’s at least show the kingdom in all its fullness and brilliant, shining radiance and not offer something that’s the opposite or less than that. God draws people towards him with his loving kindness. 

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