Tuesday 17 September 2024

No space for lukewarm

Dedicated to those who are persecuted for their faith.

Look at the nations
Watch and see
What is God doing?
Following Jesus
Costs us everything
He gave all.
Our faith
It's worth suffering for
We give all to him
All on the altar
Passionate for Jesus
Easy to identify
We give all to each other.
Your Word
How precious
On pieces of paper
Shared out
Stored in hearts and minds.
My daily bread and water
No space for lukewarm
Always a risk
Risking all
Do you dare to pay the price?
No grey areas
To live is Christ
Cannot be contained
To die is gain
Something better beyond
Love of the truth
Courage in persecution
Imprisoned and displaced
Faithful unto death
Pray, pray, pray
Release the captives
Your Spirit so close
I close my eyes
You are here
Through waters, rivers and fire
You are with me
Your Spirit revealing
Dreams and visions
Your Spirit warning
Danger abounds
Be alert
Be aware
Be prepared
His weapons protect
Follow his footsteps
Walk in the ancient paths
Find your rest and peace
Never back down
The Christ who overcame
The Christ crucified
Our living hope.

(Artwork by Evelien Burger.)


Saturday 17 August 2024

My heart was made for love

This was written on Election day in South Africa, 29th May at a 24/7 Burn worship event in Gqeberha. Some of our church worship group members were on stage leading us in worship. I had forgotten about it, but it's a timeless message about loving like Jesus. (Photos taken on a recent visit to Johannesburg.)

My heart was made for love
I am made in your image
You are the image of love
Part of you is in me

I am drawn close to your heart
My very life support
Bread and water and air
Love would naturally flow from this space
It's from your heart
You created me with your image in me
My heart beats with your heartbeat
Your heart is towards your creation
Everything you created
The people, the animals
The very earth we stand on

You fill every part of me
Your love fills me
It overflows out of me towards
Your creation
Love, care, compassion, justice and shalom
All things made new

I am a cutting of you
Same same
Close to you
Right next to you and in you
Part of you infused into me
Same DNA
Same heart and love

Same Spirit in me
Same power
Same mandate
A sacrifice for you
All on the altar
We see the Father through you
People see you through me
All draws back to the Father

Help us to really and truly
Know your heart
So we can follow
So we can be the offshoot of your heart
Salt and light
To represent you well
Father God
A loving welcome to all
Draw near
Be close
Be a part of you
You in me, shining through

Fully God/Fully Man
"If you see me, you see God"
The disciples saw God in front of them
Looking at the fully man
Who was also fully God
He is still with us
In the power and presence of the Holy Spirit
The same Jesus is alive in us
The same Jesus gives us his peace

Jesus was the example
We get to follow him
To copy him
To be like him
To know his heart
To be his heart in our world
To see the fullness of God in bodily form
Look at Jesus
See God's love, holiness and power

Everything Jesus was
We get to copy
We get to be more and more like him
The more we do the things he did
He spent loads of time in prayer
With His Father
He went through everything we do
Showed us exactly how we can live
As humans
He was fully human
We are fully human
We can do the same
The same Holy Spirit power lives in us

Jesus showed love and care
Compassion and empathy
Humility and sacrifice
Acceptance of all
He said love your neighbor
As you love yourself
He said to love God with
Every part of ourselves
To live in righteousness and justice
Making all things new.

The above photo was taken at Cresta Shopping Mall in Gauteng. Let's imagine more with what our world could look like if we just choose one simple truth - to love in the same way that Jesus loved. It's a radical, life changing love. Let's do this!


Monday 15 July 2024

It's a choice. Let's choose to see

Out of sight
Things we don’t like
Just put them out of sight
Out of mind
We can carry on with daily life

We don’t like uncomfortable
Things that make us think a bit
Things that might demand a response
We want what we know as normal
Don’t normalize anything else

In the dark
So we don’t have to deal
But that’s not the way
It’s not the way of Jesus

He brings light
He brings life
He sees.
He touches.
He lifts heads up
He comes close

It’s people we are talking about
People who are often dismissed
Not our problem
It’s just easier to look the other way

What we don’t see
We don’t have to worry about
But that’s not the way
That’s not the way of Jesus

Please don’t turn away
Please don’t walk away
Please look
Please choose to see
Please listen
Please engage

(Beach artwork by Evelien Burger)

Thursday 27 June 2024

Set us ablaze with your love


To give some context to the picture and blog - this picture was drawn by an artist in our church during worship around the time of Pentecost, hence the fire depicted to represent the Holy Spirit..
I was on a week long course recently and we had 3 devotional sessions that were hugely impactful to me, they were told in story like fashion and you could literally climb into the story. They were all stories of Jesus showing radical love to people while he was here on earth. How he came close to pain and those that others cast aside. During that time I had a particular worship song playing on my mind and you might notice it mentioned in places throughout the blog/poem. My heart is broken for our world and how so many people are being badly treated, marginalized and silenced. This writing came on the back of all of that. The cry of my heart is that we would all do better in how we love each other, especially with those we find hard to love.

Where’s our love? Where's our fear?
Which one are we allowing to drive and motivate us?

There are no added parts in
the Greatest Commandments
They are there, plain and simple

Is it love your neighbor, BUT
only those we see as our neighbor?

It’s all about the heart, right?
Really, like the whole heart?
Let’s dig into that just for a bit.

This does mean all parts of my heart
Not just the parts I am happy with
It can't be until
the heart finds a prejudice, a fear, a sin, a few colours
that don’t fit into my neat picture.
Oh, heaven forbid, not that group of people!
Ok Jesus here are my reasons.
I am totally justified here
There are reasons
I really do love all people, BUT
not that person, not those people
They are a little out of my framework Jesus.
Do you really mean everyone?

You changed things too much Jesus
You took away all the hooks
I was hanging onto!
You used fewer words
I had all the rules neatly packed
Beautifully written out
Put up on the wall
All the ‘do not’s’
But now you come along with only a do!

You flipped it all around Jesus
I’m confused
Do you really mean everyone?
Even if they don’t love you?
I’m sure there’s something in your word
that can help me in my dilemma.
But Jesus, they’re sinning, they’re sinners!

What was that you said?
I came for the lost
I came for the cast aside
Ok, I will organize a sandwich today
Donate a blanket and some clothes
Even go on a mission trip
Is that ok now?
Is that enough?
I’ve reached out to the margins
Now what?

You want more than that?
You want my whole heart?
Like, all on the altar?
My everything?
Oh! This is a daily thing
This consuming thing
With nothing left of me

Love your neighbor
Yes, that neighbor!
From your neat package of ‘do not touch’
Show them welcome
Help them belong
I’m asking you to include them
But how God?
Follow me child
I showed you how
I gave you few words to follow
So it’s not confusing
It’s not complicated

We keep asking for the fire to fall
To set us ablaze
You know, ‘whatever it takes.’
Help us Lord
We’ve messed this up
I have grace and forgiveness for you child
My mercy extends to your cold heart too

But, it’s that ‘all’ word God
Is it really all of my heart?
All of my soul
All my body, spirit and strength too?
Can’t I just keep a little spot
For not loving
For this group of people
And justify it along with other
Christians who feel the same?
They understand God
They also think the way I do
Our world is such a mess God
We have to be careful of all the evils

Oh goodness, there’s that altar again
Can’t you just set this part of me ablaze?
I will keep these parts off the altar
What? You are an all consuming fire
Consumed means all gone

I watched someone recently
They set themselves on fire
The fire raged quickly
It consumed them
They were gone

I’m wondering if that’s what a sacrifice
on your altar means?
There’s like real fire here
Real burning
Real consuming
Real “nothing left of me”

You call us to die to self
But what?
You say a living sacrifice
Oh, I still get to live?
But there’s none of me left
Only you

It’s your love shining through
It’s only your love
I get it
I love with your love
Your never ending love
I can love those people now
With ‘me and my’ out of the way

It’s a choice I get to make
Free to lay it down
As a gift to you
To bring you honor
It’s a surrender of everything
My everything
Every part
For your glory

Oh God, we need your healing touch
Your forgiveness
Your grace, evey day
Your mercy and justice to flow
Rivers and oceans of it.

Artwork by Evelien Burger
Poetry by Debbie Hemmens

Monday 20 May 2024

Be filled


(Pentecost Sunday 2024 – Wow there's a lot that we can say about the Holy Spirit and his presence and the impact of his filling in our lives. It was amazing listening to many messages, both in person and from around the world, and reading some of the Bible passages they spoke from. This piece I wrote is a mixture of it all, with the thoughts that came to me along the way. How very blessed we are to have this 3rd person of the Trinity available to be in us and work through us.)

Empowered by the Holy Spirit
The Spirit of truth
He makes all the difference
A promise fulfilled
Transformed from the inside out
His presence and power within us
Anointed to go
Rushing wind, Flowing water
Burning fire, Oil in abundance
The 3rd person of the Trinity lives in us
He dwells in me
Our advocate and teacher
Helper and guide
Close and present everyday
Counsellor and Comforter
Righteousness, joy and peace are evidence
His presence, always available to us

Listen to him, follow him
Be aware of him
Be led by him
Depend on him
Overcome by him
Obedient to his prompting
Each day afresh
Invades our space
With his weighty glory
Be filled
Keep on being filled
Creativity alive
Psalms, hymns and songs
Music from the heart
Giving thanks always

Keep in step with him
Yield and surrender
He reveals all things to us
Follow as he leads
He convicts, he prompts, alerts and reminds us
Crucify the flesh
Unity and diversity abound
Peace, our inheritance
Love and joy
Make us more and more like Jesus
Patient and kind
Faithful and good
Gentle and self-controlled

Fan into flame the gifts of the Spirit
Build each other up
Expect prophecies, healings and miracles
Given through us
Transform our world
With his power and presence
Work for justice
Share with others
Love your neighbour as yourself
Stop oppressive systems
Make a difference
Let it ooze out of you
Be his witness
Spread his love
Light in the darkness
A salty flavour
A delicious aroma
Be his vessel
This is the kingdom of God

It's the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead
The same!
The same power!
Let the fire burn
Fuels our faith
Ignites hope within us
Fires up love
Wells filled up and overflowing
Satisfies our thirst and hunger for more
Living water
Restoration and repair
Renewal and revival
Making all things new
Human relationships transformed
The altar of my life
Consecrated to God
A living sacrifice
To be more and more like Jesus
Be filled
Keep on being filled

Friday 19 April 2024

Peace in a time of war


We were fortunate to be able to attend a recent talk and presentation, organised by
dia-LOGOS, in Hartenbos, Western Cape by Dr Yohanna Katanacho, the Academic Dean of Nazareth Evangelical College. He was previously at Bethlehem Bible College.

His wife, Dina, who is the Director at the Israel Bible Society, is also travelling with him, but did not speak upfront on this particular night. We did however have a chance to have an informal chat with her afterwards.

Both are Palestinian, both are Israeli Citizens. As Dina says, “We are both. We love both.”

Dr Katanacho shared a personal story of how God helped him in loving those who could be seen as his enemy. Through Holy Spirit power he was able to say “I love you” to some soldiers while they pointed guns to his head. This moment disarmed and stunned everyone who was present. It was good to hear that no-one was hurt. God’s love had stepped into the encounter. Peaceful words were exchanged.

Dr Katanacho said, “Love is not a feeling, it’s a decision to honor Jesus.” We can’t abandon justice, but we need to pursue justice with the right motive. “Love teaches me to love those who are different to me. I am a peacemaker, someone that aims to be a blessing in a world filled with wars.”

“It’s ok to disagree, but we can learn to grow together.”

He then crammed a 3 hour history presentation of the Holy Land into 1 hour. (Edit add - I find it necessary to give a brief summary of what he mentioned in his history presentation - he spoke about decisions made decades ago (76 years back - The Balfour Agreement), the occupation of Palestine, the Nakba, the Intifada's, people internally displaced in their own land, the Oslo Accord in 1993, military law in Gaza and the West Bank, about checkpoints, walls erected, separation, power imbalances, the killing of way too many people, settlements being established, fear of the other, peace agreements breaking down, media not being honest, about the very real threat of being killed on the spot by armed settlers, so many wars over the years that have shaped the region, Oct 7 2023 where Hamas invaded Israel and the resultant current war on the people of Gaza where the reaction has gone way beyond what anyone ever expected. He stated that the killing of innocent people, whether Israeli or Palestinian, should never be accepted or supported. There's so much more, but that's all he had time for on this particular day.)

He said it’s very confusing when we use labels. “If I look at my identity, it would be a case of half of me fighting the other half of me.”

He also said we should be very careful with our assumptions. “We all see the problem or problems very differently and that is the problem!”

He asked, “where do we even start the story?” “We all tend to start at different starting points and therefore end up with different conclusions.”

He was saying that at the moment everyone is being hurt and that is not the answer and it needs to stop.

His suggestion was that the church particularly needs to make peace and not war. They need to be a part of the solution and not the problem.

He reminded us that we need to be able to cry with those who cry and mourn with those who mourn and with those who are suffering and oppressed.

To be about seeking the best interest on both sides. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to empower the church to do its work, and that is to be peacemakers and to extend love and forgiveness. Love is our worldview. We need to use the politics of love.

That comment reminded me of the book titled, ‘Politics of Love’ by Michael Cassidy, written in 1990 ahead of our 1994 elections in South Africa. He says this, ‘every Christian, from far right to extreme left, can unite and agree around the way of love. It provides a dynamic principle of unity and common resolution which has more intrinsic controlling power within it than plain patriotism and love of country, the latter being so much more prone to the corruption of selfish interpretation and sectional interest.”

Dr Katanacho reminded us that Jesus gave us solutions to bitterness, anger and killing. These things, when played out, are not helpful to our holistic well being.

This war is impacting the whole world and has serious implications for missions.

He reiterated again that war is not the answer. We need to take every possible step that is compatible to the heart of God to end this war.

He reminded us to use a lens of love and not hatred. To think and imagine a future where people live together as equals with dignity and respect. This reminds me of what it must mean to pull heaven down onto earth. This sounds like the kingdom of God.

I found he spoke with such clarity and powerful, simple truth. Jesus shone through every explanation, story and sentence.

Chatting with his wife Dina was a highlight for me. It is so evident that she loves Jesus and will honor him in life or death.

She described a big puzzle where God gets to see the whole picture. We are each a piece and an important piece. We have each been given different gifts, because why would God give us all the same, or all to some and none to others? He has been purposeful in giving different gifts because we are a body with different needs and to show us how much we need each other. Everyone playing their part is a beautiful picture. We share what gifts we have with each other, but the fruit of the Spirit should be evident in all of us, as we carry the same Spirit. Your piece in the puzzle is important to those around you and further afield. We need each other to function well as a body.

She also reiterated that war is not the answer.

I recently heard an author and human rights attorney ask the question about where will justice come from (from a human point of view, but the answer interestingly lined up with God’s expectations of us.) Their answer was we don’t need more law or politics as it won’t come through normal law or politics. Awful situations can be filled with so called lawful actions. Politics is always a negotiation over scarce resources. It creates a mutually exclusive equation. Some will have. Others will not. It’s never a mutually reinforcing possibility. So the answer is people, justice will come through people. People living and loving in community will create the alternative to law and politics, in the way they take care of one another. Hope rises for our future when we care for each other in community.

This reminds me of God’s words to us in 1 Peter 1:22, that we have sincere love for each other and love one another deeply from the heart. And again in Ephesians 4:32 where we are urged to be kind and compassionate to one another and forgiving each other.

I loved how Dina described that we are after God’s heart and we need to follow after his heart. Not our understanding, not what we think, not what is on our hearts, but God’s heart.

That caused me to pause, think and ask, so what is on God’s heart? What is his heart for this world? What does his heart look like in his kingdom that he calls us to pull down from heaven and enact on earth? Without a doubt firstly it’s to follow him as our Lord and Saviour. We also know he is a God of justice and mercy, a peacemaker and he is filled with love, compassion, humility and forgiveness. He has told us to love each other as he has loved us and more specifically children, the poor, the widows, orphans, the afflicted, destitute and the foreigner. That’s what he requires of us as we live on this earth. That’s his heart for all of us. Let us follow God’s heart.






Monday 1 April 2024

Not the ending we expected


It is finished!
But not the ending we expected
Resurrection power
It trampled on death
It brought forth life
Our God lives
Our God reigns
His kingdom reigns forever
It established the new
On it our faith is built
Power to live the life of the cross
To give him honour
To make him known
To lay down our lives
To sacrifice
To serve
To love
There is goodness to come
Goodness to see while we are still alive

The way of the cross
it’s a call to action
It requires sacrifice
More than we can imagine
To follow in his footsteps
To risk all
To speak truth
To use our voices
To mobilize others
To clothe ourselves in compassion
To see God’s image in every human
To stand in solidarity with the weak,
with the suffering and the marginalized
To hold power accountable
To unsettle empire
To love with a love that protects
Jesus never avoided controversy
Jesus leaned into uncomfortable conversations
He was faithful to the call
Let us follow his lead
To love with a love that does not celebrate injustice
To love with a love that rejoices in the truth

Faithful in the not yet
Faithful until the ending of unjust situations
Faithful after the ending
Faithful in the mending and fixing
To love with a love that never gives up

To be active in hope and patience
To activate our gifts from God
To release peace
To release freedom
To release mercy
To advocate for justice
Committed to the end
To love with a love that always perseveres
To love with a love that always hopes
To love with a love that always trusts
A love that never fails
A love that lays down its life for others
Together we will do this
Because of his life
Because of his sacrifice
Because of his power

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Locust Years and Pomegranate seeds


Dusty bell towers
Cobwebs and muffled sound
Sold into slavery
Things are not as they should be
Injured, broken and sick
Weeping and without hope
Lost and eaten away
Bound by bad choices
Wasted and lost opportunities

Isolated and alone
One big mess
A sadness so sad
Loveless years
Misdirected and rebellious
Ignorant and anxious
Dead ends
Burnt grass
Dead in sin
A seemingly silent God
Without hope

But he works all things together for my good
He's got time
On the long road walking
He sometimes saves the best till last
Working on our hearts
Healed, restored and forgiven
A thirsting for righteousness
A journey of grace

Filled to overflowing
It's miracle maths
Pomegranate seeds are many
Vibrant and full of colour
Red and rich in love
Healthy and fruitful
Abundant life

Found and set free
Green grass
Light and hope
Whole again
An ignited fire within
Let the bells ring out clearly
Turn up the volume
Clear out the stuff
Beautiful sounds
Freedom in every note

Trust him with the process
The divine exchange
Our wonder working God
A faithful God is he
Dead and then resurrected
Life everlasting is our gift
It's beautiful
Beautiful restoration

Debbie Hemmens

(Thoughts and reflections from our Sunday messages 17th March, from the worship, the art piece in this blog by Evelien Burger, words shared through people from God and personal testimony.)

Monday 26 February 2024

Alone and unknown


Her little body held
in the arms of medical love
Under a year old
‘Alone and unknown’
written on her tummy
The only survivor of her family
who were all killed
Displaced from her home of love
No Mom to comfort her
So vulnerable
No family
No milk
Thirst, hunger, pain, deep sadness
It triggers pain and anger in me
Heartbroken by the look on her face
She died
From no milk and her injuries!
(Many little ones have had their insides obliterated
By the force of bomb pressure)
Serious injury
Staring far off
In complete shock
Bloodied face
Not moving much
Hardly crying
Such trauma in that little body
Gently wrapped in a white cloth
Inconsistent love in our world
Weaponized faith
Deeply damaging
Reduced humanity
Power misused
Insatiable greed
It screams of self and distancing self
But Jesus says come close to the pain
Treat others as better than yourself
Love like the love from the cross
Sacrifice for others
Love with the love that Jesus
has for this little one
Created a human in her mother’s womb
Knit together by God’s mighty hand
Seen and known by him, in her creation,
in her few months lived and in her death
Never out of God’s sight
We don’t get to discard God’s creation
Oh little one, I am so sorry
I wish it wasn’t like this
I am so glad to read a day later
Your name was Maryam
Beloved by your family
How many more?
Will it ever be enough?
Stop the killing
We want hope for more
For humanity to win
For life to win over death
For reconciliation, justice and peace
All the curated responses
All the hate filled statements
Power hungry
Loveless decisions
Hateful actions
We need a lasting and sustained ceasefire
The people caught up in this war on them
have had enough!
Many years and ongoing.
Most of the world has had enough.
Long ago!
Millions of people have had their say
Countries have had their say
Voices of law have had their say
This needs to end
Arrogance keeps control, aggression and wars going
We need oodles of humility
and a whole lot more loving actions
Turning bitterness into sweetness
We need each other to get through this.