Monday 26 February 2024

Alone and unknown


Her little body held
in the arms of medical love
Under a year old
‘Alone and unknown’
written on her tummy
The only survivor of her family
who were all killed
Displaced from her home of love
No Mom to comfort her
So vulnerable
No family
No milk
Thirst, hunger, pain, deep sadness
It triggers pain and anger in me
Heartbroken by the look on her face
She died
From no milk and her injuries!
(Many little ones have had their insides obliterated
By the force of bomb pressure)
Serious injury
Staring far off
In complete shock
Bloodied face
Not moving much
Hardly crying
Such trauma in that little body
Gently wrapped in a white cloth
Inconsistent love in our world
Weaponized faith
Deeply damaging
Reduced humanity
Power misused
Insatiable greed
It screams of self and distancing self
But Jesus says come close to the pain
Treat others as better than yourself
Love like the love from the cross
Sacrifice for others
Love with the love that Jesus
has for this little one
Created a human in her mother’s womb
Knit together by God’s mighty hand
Seen and known by him, in her creation,
in her few months lived and in her death
Never out of God’s sight
We don’t get to discard God’s creation
Oh little one, I am so sorry
I wish it wasn’t like this
I am so glad to read a day later
Your name was Maryam
Beloved by your family
How many more?
Will it ever be enough?
Stop the killing
We want hope for more
For humanity to win
For life to win over death
For reconciliation, justice and peace
All the curated responses
All the hate filled statements
Power hungry
Loveless decisions
Hateful actions
We need a lasting and sustained ceasefire
The people caught up in this war on them
have had enough!
Many years and ongoing.
Most of the world has had enough.
Long ago!
Millions of people have had their say
Countries have had their say
Voices of law have had their say
This needs to end
Arrogance keeps control, aggression and wars going
We need oodles of humility
and a whole lot more loving actions
Turning bitterness into sweetness
We need each other to get through this.

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