Monday 1 April 2024

Not the ending we expected


It is finished!
But not the ending we expected
Resurrection power
It trampled on death
It brought forth life
Our God lives
Our God reigns
His kingdom reigns forever
It established the new
On it our faith is built
Power to live the life of the cross
To give him honour
To make him known
To lay down our lives
To sacrifice
To serve
To love
There is goodness to come
Goodness to see while we are still alive

The way of the cross
it’s a call to action
It requires sacrifice
More than we can imagine
To follow in his footsteps
To risk all
To speak truth
To use our voices
To mobilize others
To clothe ourselves in compassion
To see God’s image in every human
To stand in solidarity with the weak,
with the suffering and the marginalized
To hold power accountable
To unsettle empire
To love with a love that protects
Jesus never avoided controversy
Jesus leaned into uncomfortable conversations
He was faithful to the call
Let us follow his lead
To love with a love that does not celebrate injustice
To love with a love that rejoices in the truth

Faithful in the not yet
Faithful until the ending of unjust situations
Faithful after the ending
Faithful in the mending and fixing
To love with a love that never gives up

To be active in hope and patience
To activate our gifts from God
To release peace
To release freedom
To release mercy
To advocate for justice
Committed to the end
To love with a love that always perseveres
To love with a love that always hopes
To love with a love that always trusts
A love that never fails
A love that lays down its life for others
Together we will do this
Because of his life
Because of his sacrifice
Because of his power

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