Monday 20 May 2024

Be filled


(Pentecost Sunday 2024 – Wow there's a lot that we can say about the Holy Spirit and his presence and the impact of his filling in our lives. It was amazing listening to many messages, both in person and from around the world, and reading some of the Bible passages they spoke from. This piece I wrote is a mixture of it all, with the thoughts that came to me along the way. How very blessed we are to have this 3rd person of the Trinity available to be in us and work through us.)

Empowered by the Holy Spirit
The Spirit of truth
He makes all the difference
A promise fulfilled
Transformed from the inside out
His presence and power within us
Anointed to go
Rushing wind, Flowing water
Burning fire, Oil in abundance
The 3rd person of the Trinity lives in us
He dwells in me
Our advocate and teacher
Helper and guide
Close and present everyday
Counsellor and Comforter
Righteousness, joy and peace are evidence
His presence, always available to us

Listen to him, follow him
Be aware of him
Be led by him
Depend on him
Overcome by him
Obedient to his prompting
Each day afresh
Invades our space
With his weighty glory
Be filled
Keep on being filled
Creativity alive
Psalms, hymns and songs
Music from the heart
Giving thanks always

Keep in step with him
Yield and surrender
He reveals all things to us
Follow as he leads
He convicts, he prompts, alerts and reminds us
Crucify the flesh
Unity and diversity abound
Peace, our inheritance
Love and joy
Make us more and more like Jesus
Patient and kind
Faithful and good
Gentle and self-controlled

Fan into flame the gifts of the Spirit
Build each other up
Expect prophecies, healings and miracles
Given through us
Transform our world
With his power and presence
Work for justice
Share with others
Love your neighbour as yourself
Stop oppressive systems
Make a difference
Let it ooze out of you
Be his witness
Spread his love
Light in the darkness
A salty flavour
A delicious aroma
Be his vessel
This is the kingdom of God

It's the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead
The same!
The same power!
Let the fire burn
Fuels our faith
Ignites hope within us
Fires up love
Wells filled up and overflowing
Satisfies our thirst and hunger for more
Living water
Restoration and repair
Renewal and revival
Making all things new
Human relationships transformed
The altar of my life
Consecrated to God
A living sacrifice
To be more and more like Jesus
Be filled
Keep on being filled

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