Monday, 20 January 2025

A picture of my thoughts

Sunday night at church the message was about our thought life and what it has to say in Philippians 4:8 about what would be most helpful for us to be thinking about and then what to do with thoughts that do not belong by capturing them and making them obedient to Christ as we are guided in 2 Cor 10:4,5. This picture was still up from a previous service (artwork by Evelien Burger) and I was drawn to the peaceful look on their face and wondered what they were thinking about. To me that would be a picture of what it looks like to dwell on the things mentioned in Phil 4:8. This poem flowed from the message, art and my thoughts as I mulled on God's words to us.

My husband and I spend a lot of time in our various spaces talking to others about their thought lives and how very powerful the space is to make powerful change in your life. It is deeply impactful in our lives. For me personally, I want my thoughts and my life to be guided by God and all he has for me in this world.

My face is a picture
A picture of my thoughts
Where are my thoughts?
They are stayed on you
The Maker of heaven and earth

It is my spiritual act of worship
To live fully for you
I’m here for you
For your purposes
For your kingdom

To regularly repeat your design
in my life
in my thoughts
in my actions
Constant and consistent reminder
of who I am in you

What does your word teach me?
How should I live?
It’s all about you
Deny myself and follow you
I model my life on your patterns
I live according to your design

Your kingdom is not of this world
It’s other worldly
It’s counter cultural
It’s upside down
And inside out
A different space
at a different pace

I bask in your presence
Time spent with you changes me
We are transformed by you
Our minds renewed by you
Living in victory and peace
Feed my spirit Lord
Help me live with discipline
Daily routines and practice flowing with ease

I need to think about such things:
Truths that I have learnt from God
Truths from others about God
Truth from God’s Word
These things I must dwell on
and give careful thought to them
and allow them to influence me
and to practice them in my life
For you to become increasingly prominent
in my mind and life

To live a life that is lovely
pleasing and acceptable to God
To see God’s loveliness in the world
His image in every living human being
To be loving toward our neighbour
To be gentle and prayerful
To be caring toward his creation

I need to fix my thoughts on you
and everything about you
With a spirit that worships and praises you
With eyes that see through a lens of beautiful
With a mouth that speaks respect and honor
With hands that are merciful and kind
With ears that listen and respond
With a heart that goes after what is right and just

I need to train my mind in these ways
With a planned strategy
A daily implementation and practice
A regular schedule
Mindful moments with you
Catching the thoughts that are not of you
Putting them back under your covering
Under your authority
Allowing the peace to flow once again
My mind and my heart under his guard
From the God of peace who is with me


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