Friday 12 July 2019

Daily reminder for humility

Daily reminder for humility

A small traffic circle has 4 of these, meaning 'yield, give way' as an instruction to each and every person approaching the circle. Not one person gets right of way automatically, so, it technically should function like a 4-way stop where, first arriving, gets to go first. (Bigger traffic circles have the rules of yield to traffic from the right.)

Traffic circles, such as these, are a perfect place for all people in the approaching vehicles to practice humility, because arrogance doesn't work.

David Marcum and Steven Smith put it this way, 'humility is a quiet strength and genuine confidence, tempered with graciousness. It is we-centric, not me-centric, and it deflects attention and credit rather than desperately grasping for it.'

The Bible puts it this way in Colossians3:12 'Therefore as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.'

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